Steam Release

Hello again! 

I'm busy at work on my next game, but I thought now would be a good time to let you all know that Lust Potions will be releasing on Steam on the 10th! This is my first Steam release, so any support (including wishlists) is appreciated.

Here's the link -

As always, thanks for playing Lust Potions! 

I've been posting updates on my current project over on Patreon, so if you'd like some news and/or you'd like to support my work, please support me there as well!

Get Lust Potions

Buy Now$10.00 USD or more


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nice! congrats! I’ll be looking forward to buying it as soon as I can. Hope you can add some of your other stuff as well!

I appreciate it! Some of my future games should make their way over, but I'm still trying to decide what to do with my older work.

you could probably just list the VNs as they are for their current price on itch on steam,,, wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary and it’d build you a little back catalogue