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God, the true ending one was painful yet somewhat beautiful! Easily one of the best dating sims I've played. I wish you all the best luck!

I got all the Endings hehe, I love the story!!

Good game but the True Ending did seem forced. Thanks for the memories and the game.

PC version does not work for me sadly. Just says could not open.


Make sure you extract the .zip first (right click -> extract all). You could also try running the game through the app.


I did extract it before and found the solution in case someone else is having the problem. The game cannot be stored on a nas, it has to be a local drive. For some reason it couldn't call other files from the game. Copied it onto my C: drive worked instantly.


I love this game not just for the nsfw scenes but just for the story the true ending really hit as hard as prople described it, 10/10 literally a masterpiece i loved the art style used for it

True ending :(


Now i Made this account to just tell how I felt when I got the true end, It hit me hard and I cried a bit cause it reminded me of past relationships, how they always ended in a heartbreak and Eris is the perfect way to show it, sometimes things end to early, you need to enjoy it while it lasts... I loved this 100/10

Yeah I found this little while ago and that ending struck a cord so deep I felt vexed for awhile.


Translate to Spanish please

1 out of the 4 endings got me really heart broken. What a ending, an ending i always end up in my own destiny. props to the makings. great game, lacks animation buuuut the story really makes up for it! 

how do i get the fourth ending i got the dumbped one the ghost one and the true one

The choice menu that led to the true ending also leads to the ending I think you're missing.


Anal sex?

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what is a mink

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A mink is a carnivorous mammal related to otters and weasels. :)

Please tell me how many ending this game has, because my gallery is missing one picture

There are 4 endings!

Why is the true ending the sad one?

Honestly this game was more wholesome than I thought it'd be and it touched on some topics that a lot of the younger generations deal with. I'd love to see a sequel to this game involving Eris and the main character again at some point, but it's okay if that never happens. This was a fun little story to play through.

Deleted 3 years ago

There's a sequel!


The true ending it.. it's beautiful ❤️

She had tons of relationship just to end up with heartbreak although i said i loved her, had fun.. but in the she couldn't handle another serious relationship..

Sorry if i am bad with word but that

--true ending-- it has opened my eyes 👀

My first time playing a lewd visual novel and i got the best ending I really like the game a the story behind it great work i cant wait for more ^w^ 


That "True Ending" was truly eye opening, this is the first lewd game to almost make me cry... I cannot tell whether or not that's a good thing.

Yes the same for me that was the first ending I got and it made me question my own relationships in life because I feel and understand how the minks felt and it was the first time I ever contemplated my own life I wasn't expecting that going.


Man shit "True ending" opened my fucking eyes 

Are you going to make more in the game?


There is a sequel in the works.

Would it be for free or does it require money? [Please make it free I'm broke ya know]


There will be a free version and a paid version. For free, you get the full game but it will be censored and won't contain the gallery. The paid version will contain those extra features.

If you're interested in a preview, the sequel's page is already live with a demo!

Me as an man who had many relationships got sad when I've tried the true ending, because it reminded me of myself and my first date , but eh as a guy from arab place i should've said it was nothing or something , but whatever happened to me long ago I still had fun getting every sex scene and every ending , ghost ending, best ending, true ending, and dump ending , after all I enjoyed this game , 

Deleted 3 years ago

There are 4 endings you can get.

i wanna know if this is uncensored?

No censorship here!

(1 edit) (+5)

I never really wrote a review before so here goes nothing (cause I don't feel I got the brain capacity for that but aanywaaaayyy.) I have to say I tremendously love this game normally after I'm done playing a game I downloaded I'd usually delete it or uninstall it but I can't see myself doing that to this game after how good it was but man that true ending left me feeling so conflicted. I can say not a lot of things leave me in a state where I would walk back and forth in place and leave me to discuss what I've read or played to myself and I can say this game definitely did just that. I could relate to Eris so much on the aspect of not wanting to risk being in a serious relationship again in fear that it will end sourly and end up getting hurt tremendously from it. Being as how I ended up experiencing it from my last relationship.(thanks to my friend though I told him not to snoop around in it still ended up doing so hoping it would help me but by doing so made me come to a cold hard truth p.s ignore this if you wish it's not important and stupid.)  

(Even as I typed this, I was still in my conflicted feels from this game) After reading MuffinDragons comment I can agree with them up to their good memories part about cherishing them. I believe that but sadly I kind of see good memories as a double-sided blade because of course while they make you happy and remind of that good moment you had to me it also makes you wish you could relive it or try to replicate in which case could probably end up hurting you more knowing that doing that may not be possible and not as true as it was the very first time experiencing it and end up the same way.(but that's just me I'm kind of a depressed fuck) God I love this game but damn it but god I LOVE this game.

Also if anything never change that true ending you kept it real and people ought to know that's how it is even if it does hurt.(sadly.)

(my reaction playing through the game but still a fantastic game nonetheless thank you for the bittersweet experience.)


I was impressed by this game: I didn't know exactly what I was getting into, but it worked well.  Eris is a well-written and interesting character, and the story unfolds so as to bring in feels but without leaping off Drama Cliffs or anything.

This is worth supporting, and from my perspective, worth spending some money on.

If you like this one, I enjoyed Ghost Love even more, and that one's very worth the $5.  

(1 edit) (+2)

I don’t tend to leave comments/reviews, but I felt I had to.

I randomly stumbled across this game, and the thumbnail was cute, so I downloaded it. While I could have some technical quibbles about the writing, and it wasn’t Great Literature, the fact is that I enjoyed the hell out of it, and played through to all of the endings in one sitting. My only real ‘complaint’ is that there wasn’t enough of it.

The art is simple but very cute and appealing, and the writing works to carry the story. The parts with feels gave me feels, and the ecchi content was hot.

I won’t give story spoilers, but the love interest is interesting, if not very fleshed out because the game was so short. I want to hug her. It’s also interesting that, unlike a lot of porn of various sorts, elements of her personality actually made the usual rather abrupt sexy times make sense, and not in a boring “she’s an insatiable horndog” way.

It was pretty short… but as someone who creates content myself, I appreciate how much effort on the back-end goes into even something that doesn’t seem like it has too much content.

So yeah, fluffy but interesting, with feels *and*nice sexy times. I’m going to go back and pay for it, and check out the creator’s other stuff. A shame most of it isn’t on android, because I really prefer VNs on handheld.

Numerical ratings are stupid, so I give it “rhubarb out of 5 stars”

Edit: I just saw that I can actually rate the game, so I'll copypasta this to there

Oh, also... obviously it's Furry, but not so much that I think it would be a deal-breaker if Furry stuff isn't your thing, as long as you enjoy cartoony things.

(7 edits) (+6)

Howdy there! Down bellow is something that spawned out of bordem. Not to be taken real seriously. It contains spoilers and I do not know if I can blot out text in these thing. So to summarize... *clicks tounge* It's a good game mate. You should play it

Last night, I found boredom had gripped me. So, I was interested in looking for a new porn game. Normally I spring for the RPGs, something that has me build up a character, I prefer a slow walk to sex scenes... but something caught my eye. A brown, furred character. She had these purple eyes that had the hint of fire red, effectively making a magenta that still is etched into my mind. Her marshmallow white hair making the accompanying, inviting smile so sweet and plushie. It was more than enough to get me to click on it. To my disappointment, it was a Visual Novel. It was disheartening. I prefer the real-time interactions of moving around and talking to characters, not mindlessly clicking through the same, slow-moving text for different endings. Regardless, I was desperate for entertainment and supposed this would have to do. As I waited for the download, I read some of the comments and had gotten a little tip about a selection choice for an ending. It simmered in the back of my mind. My mind was foolish for keeping that flame lit. As I started the game, I am greeted by the same lovely character, still in the same lovely pose. My eyes become that of a young male character who has fallen for the furry female. I am still undecided if he was human. His life relates that of a hermit. A very generic expression of a mostly introverted being. It was clear it targeted to the audience, as I could easily match every description. Ironically, this lead to a mood of less immersion. I was quick to start nitpicking the game, who's genre was already in my disappointment.

Nevertheless, I pressed onward. The love interest of the story is pulled in and I recieve an introduction. Eris the Mink, still in the same pose as of that on the title screen. She is adorable; despite the growth of my distaste, she charmed me with her dialogue. However, her charms soon became masked by the bluntness of the game. I was quickly pulled from the eyes of the protagonist and thrown onto the wall. I had tried to play around a bit as the first chance to make a decision appeared, but it became quite clear the linearity this experience was to become. The two separate instances of choices I was given at the start only progressed when one specific decision was made. I rolled my eyes and flew after the two as they went on their two dates. Eris, to quote the game, "Lived up to [her] name." She had fun with playful jokes and made herself out as a grounded individual... and that smirk. Her smirk, the half-lidded eyes to match. It was quite difficult to remember she was a work of fiction.

Moving on, the second date is when the backstories end and I am met with a real decision. Our maiden, Eris, has her purse stolen and I must wonder if we are to be a hero or a caregiver. The music had changed into an adrenaline junkie's playlist; it was too easy for it to push justice into our hands. The text box uses the words to paint a chase scene, then a decision that would mean dying a fool or returning ashamed. In the end, I figured life was worth more than pocket change and valuables that could be replaced. I expected this to be an ending where Eris's views us to be undependable. Though fortune seems to love us and an officer catches the thief. We received praise for our deeds, then continued on our date.

I am taken back to Eris's apartment, but invited inside instead of a goodbye at the door. It was to clean my clothes after their ruination from the chase. After returning for the laundry room, I had found Eris to be gone. Investigation leads me to find she was in the middle of shower. The door, though, was left open. Her intentions were clear and her request for us to join was undeniable. No longer alone in the waters of the shower, I was hooked. Aftereards, to see her so cozy and delighted, laying down for sleep, I could not help but be excited for the day to come... She was gone again. I must have been exhausted after the two aerobic events of the day before and slept in. Worried not, however, Eris was comfortingly lounging in front of the television. We each have broken the monotonous habit of work and sleep. We were going out to a movie theater to enjoy accompaniment instead of loneliness. The rom-flick was awful. Our day off only lasts twenty-four hours. We were happy. Yet, in the middle of the picture, Eris philosophies the cliched love at first sight. How she finds it preposterous after years of experience. How her childhood thoughts of true love were right to remain in her past. It was an odd subject. Of course movie cliches are fantasy, but they were not baseless ideas. Besides, love itself is a tricky thing. Love is difficult to find and never seems to have a watch handy. Sometimes it takes years to build, other times the years pass in a single moment. Eris is quiet to comment on this and the film finishes out.

With our twenty-four hours entering its late, starry night stage, Eris had found her space out on the balcony. I was concerned about her thoughts. It was getting late and it was time to confront Eris. I still recall the view of her leaning over the metal railing in a dim, cool, evening atmosphere. She seemed stuck in an aura of anxiety and depression. She confessed that she once believed in love, in that she finds herself with significant others she thought she could call her soulmate, but in the end, she always finds the one thing fictional art mediums capture perfectly. Too many times she has been haunted by the pained emotion. Too frightened by the horrors a mistake could lead to. Through her ramblings I knew what I wanted to say. I love her... I didnt even look at the other one. It was a word she was afraid of, but it was what I had felt for her. She was scared in the moment, yet somewhere her courage turned back. She loved me too. The night ended with the lovers touch, a touch different than the night previous. The morning after was no different. She was gone again, yes, though she revised the word into a different definition. She had not simply gone to work. She was gone from my life. The Eris then had not lost her courage nor her love, but regained her senses. She did not want the love to be a bad memory. She wanted to take away what she has. Cherish it forever. I knew I had to do the same. To return back to my monotone life and return empty handed once again. It was only physically, for my memory will keep the one time experience held on for time to come, never to let go. Unlike how I had almost let the mobile device slipped from my hand with only the words "--True End--" on the screen. I was dumbfounded. I was overall overwhelmed with the pieces I had to put together. I had fallen in love with fictional character, something I had not truly experienced in years. It was something I thought I had grown out of as I made my way off into adulthood.

To this very moment, I still do not know why I did. If I truly fell for Eris the Mink, or if I unconsciously selected the ending I had already previously knew how to get. The day after playing the game, such as one should with the genre, I returned to the Visual Novel to uncover the things I missed, seeing different versions of the story, and meeting different sides of Eris. From failure to success and all the stories in between, not one run compared to the first. To find it simple, I coursed myself through an important life lesson. That is, life is short, moments are fleeting, that to live a joyful experience with passion, and to cherish the good memories that will last a lifetime.


I really don't know how to reply to some of the comments players leave about how my game impacted them, but I wanted to let you know that firsthand accounts like these really inspire me to continue to working on more games and stories.

(1 edit) (+2)

You are welcome! The day after playing this game, it filled my head with thoughts and emotions I needed to write down. I just wanted to convey it to anyone in hopes they can understand. I am glad I could be one of your many fans to continue to support you in the ways I can. You wrote a wonderful story and designed such a lovely character. Thank you!

I'm having trouble playing the game it won't start and ive reset 3 times

Any advice

A couple suggestions that may help:

  • Ensure that the .zip that the game is contained in is fully extracted.
  • Test the program with antivirus temporarily disabled.
  • Download and run the game through the app.

its a amazing game yet 1  thing is bothering me how do i get the true ending ???

To reach the true end, you have to select "I love you, Eris." during the balcony scene. Thanks for playing by the way!

also see where this goes is very good too.


This VN was an absolute treat to not only play, but dare I say, experienece. The scenery is the perfect mix of simple and stylish, and the music that accompanies each scene has a very perfect fit, despite the events that transpire (the theme of the balcony during the beggining of the scene and true ending scene, which have two differring tones for example). The characters (yes, i'm counting the player's sillouhette) are very nicely drawn, and very cute to see. 

Another thing to note is the errotic portions. Obviously they were very nicely drawn, and seemed to have considerable time put into them (not to mention that they come w/ their own soundtrack to boot). I very much appreciate that these scenes are not depicted as "the ultimate sexual fantasy that no man could live without", in fact they have a rather passionate and semi-casual feel which is rather a welcoming take on the modern Errotic VN landscape.

The characters in this VN are very grounded, and seem to communicate like real people would, rather than genric Errotic VN characters which is also a step up, because it's not too often that creators create memorable and understandable characters. In fact you are among three Visual Novelists that I have found that make decent characters that feel as real as you and I. This VN is a gem and I'm so glad it found it's way to my search list!

A genuinely amazing experience, 10/10 I hope to see more of your work in the future!!!



P.S. Despite what some may say, I foun the endings to be perfect and honestly realistic. Not everyone has a happy ending, even in fictional scenarios, and I'm glad you were brave enough to portray that to an audience.


bro true ending made me actually cry i felt the character die and thats how you know a game is good even if i didnt like the i loved the game keep up the good work


This game is great, true end kinda ruined it for me. Switch the best end and true end with each other and it would have been a perfect sweet game. Hope they meet again and end up together again if there was another game for it.


I like the endings, I hate you for writing them.


why you end the story like that tho

How many endings are there, if you don't mind me asking, so far I got True end, Best end, Ghost end, and Dump end. Is there any other endings?

Those are all of the endings! Thanks for playing!

Thank you for creating the VN, it was a cute VN ^^

Quick Question.

What is the different between this and the Nutaku Version?

Thank you.

They're both the same game, but the Nutaku version comes bundled with the art pack and soundtrack. You can also get the art pack and soundtrack here for the same price, but the main game is free.


I would absolutely recommend this short game for those who desires to endorse in a short sweet story. Whether you'd like to play the game for the CG's, drawn in such a recognizable and unique style or play for the story, because yes, even in a game that max lasts an hour is able to drag you in to feeling almost bad for our female lead and grip you into her story. At least, it did for me.

I enjoyed the game, yes the CG's were nice and to many people, it's exactly what they came for, but I in all honesty loved the little story. I would without doubt recommend the creator's previous and future works, as they would be undoubtedly just as or even better than this short game!

Luv, Chi!

Will there ever be a Windows release?


I've updated the page. The windows version should be easier to find. The mac port is newer.

There's a certain file that can't be executed, but I don't know what to do with it! When attempting to run the game, it opens a warning saying it can't execute open of the files. I believe it's the .py file, what should I do? I really want to play the game!

(1 edit)

You're running DateaMink.exe, not, right? Are you getting any error messages you could send?

Also, make sure you've extracted the .zip file. You can't run the game from inside the .zip.

(1 edit)

So this is what comes up when I run the program. Could it be that I'm running the incorrect file? I'm a windows user by the way ^^'

 Try to move your game to C:\Games\ and try from there. You could also try running the game through the app.

Also, make sure that the game is not being blocked by your antivirus. 

Let me know if you get things fixed. I'll help any way I can.

Thank you so much, Furr! It worked perfectly! I do wonder why it had to be that specific, but oh well! Thank you for your hard work!!

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