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I noticed that sometimes she will ask the same question twice in a conversation. Is there a way to avoid that?

Make sure she has two traits as opposed to two of the same trait to at least give her more questions to pick from. The game should avoid back to back repeats but duplicates can still happen due to randomness.



 Could you add a couple of details to this game if possible!? 

1) Add another breast size parameter (huge). 

2) This is the most necessary thing in this game: pause key, exit.

 Please do this :)

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any way to play as a woman? with or without the penis, doesn't matter really

What 3D platform (Godot) is this game made on? I would like to create a game (visual novel) in a 3D version.

The game was made in Godot 3.5 (as of 1.0) using GLES3 if that's what you're asking. The character models are modified VRoid models, which I can recommend if you're looking to make some basic characters.

Where can I find the paid version of the game ?

On this page! You need to pay $15+. You can also pay $20+ to get the soundtrack.

Any plans on porting it on android?

None at the moment. 


Hello, is there a mod for huge breasts?

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Not often games like this made in Godot show up. Nice work.

Any plans for further expansion?


Currently I'm working on a smaller side-project (also in Godot), but I should be able to get an update or two done once that is finished.

Hello :)

I 'm sorry , I need help - how to create a character or customize in this game ?

The character creator and gallery are not available in the free version. 
In the paid version, you can create a custom character through "Date Maker" on the main menu. 

is it possible to change genders to at least a intersex female?

I don't think so. You would need to mod it in.


where would i find mods for this game then

I've set up a channel called #modding in the Discord. As of right now, there aren't many mods, but I've made a few things that people may find interesting and you can post any mods you create there. 

At some point, would you be able to make an android or mobile version? Tried the mac version, but my laptop is too old and doesn't have the latest updates to play the game.


I didn't build the game with android specs or touchscreen input in mind, so it might not be possible. I'll look into it.

will there be mc character creation?


You can customize your skin tone in the settings!
I've thought about adding gender or player name options as well, but I haven't decided on anything conclusive at this time.

Is there a mobile version?

No, unfortunately.

Deleted 285 days ago
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That shouldn't happen! Could you reach out to me either in the Discord or through my support email? I'll see if I can help get things running.

Deleted 285 days ago

This will be the Dwarf Fortress of dating games someday, and I cannot wait

when i get to fucky fucky boom boom

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Soon! Beta 0.5 will bring the sex system, You can get a sneak peek here

i can see that the face/head texture is glitching out alot

cant seem to fix it

I'm still trying to figure out what's causing that glitch as I can't trigger it on my end. Are you on Windows 11? 

It may be a good idea to message me through my support email so I can work with you directly. 

nope still on 10

im also on windows 10, i have the same bug even tried to reinstall and it still happens, might just be something with how the game runs on windows 10

Looks interesting. I will keep an eye on this, but wait for more progress first. Also hoping furry encompasses full on furry with cute button nose and all. =3



The face texture is glitching out for me, like it can't figure out which one it is


Like this


That really shouldn't happen. It looks to me like the inside of her mouth has inverted somehow. I'm not really sure what would cause that, to be honest.

Is this a character you loaded from a save? Does it go away when you relaunch the game?

It's random generated, and I haven't tried reloading yet, will try when I can

If you get some time, message me through my support email or in the Discord. I'm trying to hunt down this bug. 


Currently a bit uncanny, but I can’t wait to see how this’ll come along. It shows a lot of promise! also kindaaa need the shell script to be able to actually play it myself…

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I'm hoping I can smooth out that uncanny-ness, but this is my first 3D project so I can't promise too much as a solo dev. 

Regarding the shell script, is that for Linux? The current beta builds are only for windows, but I'm planning to add MacOS and Linux builds with Beta 0.5. 

Yes, the shell script is for Linux. Any confirmation at all is fine for me. Thank you!

it works fine with wine

It would work on wine, but I’m not on a bleeding edge distro, so wine64 is still a royal pain in the ass to get working